Resolutions Committee

The Resolutions Committee is a Standing Committee as specified in the NCTR Constitution. Its stated purpose is to recommend positions that should be taken by NCTR in regard to public policy issues that affect its operations, including resolutions affecting the concerns of retired teachers.

Resolutions Committee 2024

  • Patricia Bishop, Chair, Administrator, Virginia Retirement System
  • Tina Leiss, NCTR Executive Committee Liaison
  • Jason Davis, Trustee, Pennsylvania PSERS
  • Ray Higgins, Administrator, Mississippi PERS
  • William Murray, Trustee, Connecticut TRB
  • Debbie Simonds, Trustee, Georgia TRS
  • Jacquelyn Ward, Trustee, Chicago TPF
  • Elvis Williams, Trustee, Texas TRS

Note: Pursuant to the NCTR Constitution, the President and President-Elect shall be ex-officio members of all committees.

Duties and Responsibilities

Working in conjunction with NCTR staff, the Resolutions Committee is responsible for notifying all member systems that it is requesting the submission of “In Memoriam,” “In Appreciation,” and “Policy” Resolutions (Continuing, New, and Amended). Such notification shall be sent by July 1. It shall set a deadline for the submission of resolutions. The deadline shall not be earlier than August 1.

In addition to notifying member systems, the Resolutions Committee is responsible for notifying the Legislative Committee, the Trustee Education Committee, and all other Standing Committees that the submission period has opened.

With the approval of the President, and working through the Executive Director of NCTR, the Chairperson shall be responsible for arranging a meeting of the Resolutions Committee. Such meeting shall be arranged for the middle of August. The purpose of the meeting will be to classify, coordinate, edit, and collate all resolutions to be disseminated to member systems. The Committee is responsible for determining whether a resolution will be”recommended, not recommended or no recommendation.”

It is the responsibility of the Resolutions Committee, via NCTR staff, to send to each member system, by September 1, a packet of the resolutions it has received and classified.

If deemed appropriate or necessary, and with the approval of the President and working through the Executive Director, the Chairperson shall arrange for a Resolutions Committee meeting for conducting Committee business on the Saturday or Sunday before the start of the Annual Conference.

At the Annual Conference, the Chairperson shall be responsible for presenting the resolutions to the delegates for consideration.

The Committee will be responsible for seeing that adopted/ratified resolutions are sent to the Legislative Committee in order to pursue various lobbying efforts. The Resolutions Committee shall also make arrangements to have the resolutions posted to the NCTR website.