There are currently 26 names in this directory beginning with the letter P.
PADRO Plan Approved Domestic Relations Order
PBGC Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation
PCAOB Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
PDP Prescription Drug Plan
PE Private Equity; also Price-to-Earnings (ratio)
PEPPRA Public Employee Pension Plan Reporting and Accountability Act
PERISA Public Employee Retirement Income Security Act
PERS Public Employee Retirement System
PLOP Partial Lump-Sum Option Plans [see DROP and WAR, too]
PLSO Partial Lump Sum Option
PMO Project Management Office
POB Pension Obligation Bond
POP Public Offering Price
POS Point of Service Plan
PPA Pension Protection Act
PPCC Public Pension Coordinating Council
PPN Public Pension Network
PPO Preferred Provider Organization
PREA Pension Real Estate Association
PSAG(World Bank’s) Private Sector Advisory Group
PSC Purchases of Service Credit
PSLRA Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995