Roger Rea, Omaha native and Vice President of Nebraska State Education Association-Retired, was installed as President of the National Council on Teacher Retirement (NCTR) at its Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. Rea’s one-year term began on October 9.
Rea, a retired chemistry teacher, taught for 34 years and is the Vice President of the Omaha School Employees’ Retirement System Board of Trustees. Rea is a past president of the Omaha Education Association, a past president for NSEA-Retired, as well as a past member of the NSEA Board of Directors. Rea was Nebraska’s 1989 Teacher of the Year. He received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching in 1985 and was one of two Nebraska candidates for the NASA Teacher in Space Project in 1986.
In addition to NCTR’s announcement, Rea has been featured in NEA Today and The Voice.
Rea succeeds past president Jack Ehnes, CEO, CalSTRS. In addition to installing a new president, NCTR members elected Glenn Grell, Executive Director of Pennsylvania PSERS, and Erika Glaster, Executive Director of Massachusetts TRS, as Executive Board Members. Reelected Board Members include Susan Brown, Trustee, Alabama Retirement Systems; and Jan Goodwin, Executive Director, New Mexico Retirement Board.
NCTR is an independent association dedicated to safeguarding the integrity of public retirement systems in the United States and its territories to which educational employees belong and to promoting the rights and benefits of all present and future members of the systems. NCTR’s mission is to be “THE Resource for fostering strategic partnerships, providing training and pension advocacy for the educational community.”