Nominating Committee

NCTR is a national association comprised of state, local, and territorial public retirement systems. Member systems are extremely diverse in size and types of members served. Memberships range from fewer than 5,000 to more than 1.5 million. Assets range from less and $.5 billion to more than $200 billion. Some systems serve exclusively teachers; others serve all public employees in the state.

It is the desire of the association that members of its Executive Committee (EC), which is the governing body of the organization, reflect the diversity of the member systems, i.e., that all regions of the country and the various sizes and types of systems are represented.

Nominating Committee 2024

  • Janis Elliott, Chair, Immediate Past-President, NCTR
  • Louis Cross, Chairman, City of St. Louis PSRS
  • Carlton Lenoir, Executive Director, Chicago TPF & NCTR Executive Committee Member
  • Thad McTigue, Deputy Executive Director, New York City TRS & NCTR Executive Committee Member
  • Nanette Sissney, Vice Chair, Texas TRS

Note: Pursuant to the NCTR Constitution, the President and President-Elect shall be ex-officio members of all committees.

Nominations and Election of Officers

Article III of the NCTR Constitution (Revised October 2015) provides for the officers and Executive Committee of the organization.  The Executive Committee shall be composed of ten members.  Five of the members shall be system officers and five of the members shall be board members.  Three of the members shall be the President, President-Elect, and immediate Past-President.  Of the seven remaining members, one shall be elected Secretary-Treasurer by the Executive Committee.  Executive Committee members shall be executive officers, staff members, or board members of active members of the Council.

No active member of the Council shall be represented on the Executive Committee by more than one member.  Membership on the Executive Committee shall cease when a committee member’s employment or affiliation as an executive officer, staff member, or board member with an active Council member is terminated, provided, however, that the Executive Committee may allow the President to complete his/her term notwithstanding his/her retirement from employment or affiliation as a system officer or board member with an active Council member is terminated.

The Nominating Committee shall propose to the Council delegates at the annual meeting a nominee for President-Elect.  In making such proposal, the Nominating Committee shall alternate between a system officer or board member yearly.  A nominee for President-Elect shall be serving on the Executive Committee at the time of his/her nomination.

The Nominating Committee shall also propose a slate of nominees to succeed the Executive Committee members whose terms are expiring.  Such proposals shall be in accordance with the terms of the first paragraph of this section.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is a standing committee provided for in Article IV of the NCTR Constitution.  The Nominating Committee nominates for approval by the Council a candidate for the President-Elect and candidates to succeed the Executive Committee members whose terms are expiring.

Policies relating to the Nominating Committee

  1. The Nominating Committee shall be chaired by the immediate Past-President and shall consist of two System Officers and two Board Members nominated by the immediate Past-President and ratified by the Executive Committee. The Nominating Committee will also fulfill those other responsibilities as provided by the vacancy provisions adopted by the Executive Committee.
  2. The chief administrative officer of each active member system is to be notified 90 days in advance of the Annual Convention, either by direct mail, email, or in an issue of the NCTR Newsletter, of the election process and that the names of the nominees are being sought for the vacant positions.
  3. Names may be submitted to the Nominating Committee by the individual interested in serving, a system director, by a trustee, or by a Nominating Committee member. Names must be submitted to the NCTR office ten days prior to the opening of the annual convention. A written statement describing contributions to the profession and NCTR is required before a nominee will be considered by the Nominating Committee.
  4. The Nominating Committee shall hold meetings for the purpose of receiving and considering candidates for the vacant positions.
  5. No member of the Nominating Committee shall be eligible for nomination.
  6. The President, President-Elect, and immediate Past-President shall serve in these respective offices for one year. Such service shall be concurrent with their term of office on the Executive Committee.
  7. The term of Secretary-Treasurer shall be one year and he/she may be re-elected.
  8. The Executive Committee members shall serve overlapping three-year terms, and no member shall serve more than two consecutive three-year terms.
  9. The terms of office of the Council Officers and Executive Committee Members shall coincide with the adjournment of the annual meeting of the Council.
  10. Notwithstanding the term limits stated in the section, those serving in the role of President, President-Elect, or immediate Past-President shall continue their service on the Executive Committee until their term as immediate Past-President expires. 

NOTE: Pursuant to the NCTR Constitution, the President and President-Elect shall be ex-officio members of all committees.